Founding Father's Will 國父遺囑 總理遺囑 翻譯 英譯 Translation - Vincent's Calligraphy

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The Will of the Father of the Nation (國父遺囑)
35  X  80 cm
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The Will of the Father of the Nation
35  X  80cm  in Regular Script (楷書)

(by Dr Frank W. Price) (1)

1. 余致力國民革命, 凡四十年, 其目的在求中國之自由平等.
For forty years I have devoted myself to the cause of the people's revolution with but one end in view, the elevation of China to a position of freedom and equality among the nations.

2. 積四十年之經驗, 深知欲達到此目的, 必須喚起民眾及聯合世界上以平等待我之民族, 共同奮鬥.
My experiences during these forty years have firmly convinced me that to attain this goal, we must bring about a thorough awakening of our own people and ally ourselves in a common struggle with those peoples of the world who treat us on the basis of equality.

3. 現在革命尚未成功.
The work of the Revolution is not yet done.

4. 凡我同志, 務須依照余所著《建國方略》、《建國大綱》、《三民主義》及《第一次全國代表大會宣言》, 繼續努力, 以求貫徹.
Let all our comrades follow my Plans for National Reconstruction, Fundamentals of National Reconstruction, Three Principles of the People, and the Manifesto issued by the First National Convention of our Party, and strive on for their consummation.

5. 最近主張開國民會議及廢除不平等條約, 尤須於最短期間促其實現. 是所至囑!
Above all, our recent declarations in favor of the convocation of a National Convention and the abolition of unequal treaties should be carried into effect with the least possible delay. This is my heartfelt charge to you.


Dr. Sun Yat-Sen (孫逸仙, 1866-1925) is the greatest revolutionary in contemporary China and is often revered as the "Father of the Nation (國父)"(2).  He played a critical role in overthrowing the Qing Dynasty and became the first president of the Republic of China (中華民國) in 1912 (3). Sun was also the chief engineer of the "Three People's Principles (三民主義)" (4), which authoritative historian Chien Mu (錢穆, 1895-1990) described as "the only path to wholly establish the Republic of China (必為中華民國建國完成之惟一路向)"(5).

Sadly, despite Sun's extraordinary achievements, his dream of a just and democratic mainland China never came into fruition.
(1). Price F.W. (translator), The Principle of Democracy ( 孫文《民權主義》). Taipei: China Cultural Service, 1927, p.(v).
(2). 羅香林,《國父家世源流考》. Publication place unknown, 1946, p.6.
(3). 吳敬恒,《國父孫中山先生年譜》. 中國國民黨中央執行委員會, publication place unknown, 1940, pp. 5-49.
(4). 孫中山,《三民主義》. Shanghai: 上海春明書店, 1947.
(5). 錢穆, 《國史大綱》. Shanghai:  國立編譯館, p.660.

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