Zhuangzi - The Secret of Caring for Life
(《莊子 ‧養生主》)
The following information is published in the book "Calligraphy Meets Philosophy – Talk 1":

Calligraphy Meets Philosophy - Talk 1 尚語 - 第一話
by KS Vincent POON (Aug. 2022)
ISBN 978-1-989485-30-9
Content is the soul of an artwork.
Thus, catching the soul of Chinese calligraphy requires understanding the literary contents. To facilitate this, the Calligraphy Meets Philosophy series presents traditional Chinese calligraphy alongside line-by-line translated texts with remarks and footnotes.
Calligraphy Meets Philosophy – Talk 1 (《 尚語∙第一話 》) includes three calligraphic works and their translations: Heart Sutra (《般若波羅蜜多心經》), Great Learning (《大學》), and Zhuangzi - The Secret of Caring for Life (《莊子∙養生主》). It also includes Revisions to “An English Translation and the Correct Interpretation of Laozi’s Tao Te Ching”.
WorldCat/Library: [WorldCat] [U of Oxford] [U of Cambridge] [Harvard U] [National Palace Museum Taiwan] [HKU]
On this page, original footnotes and remarks have been removed. Translation of the first line is provided here as a preview.
Translation (revised Aug. 2022)
Translation by KS Vincent Poon
Original Chinese Text
Our lives are limited, yet “intelligence and knowledge (知)” is unlimited. Applying the limited to pursue the unlimited, perilous (殆) indeed.
1. 吾生也有涯,而知也无涯。以有涯隨无涯,殆已。
2. 已而為知者,殆而已矣。
3. 為善无近名,為惡无近刑。
4. 緣督以為經,
5. 可以保身,可以全生,可以養親,可以盡年。

Calligraphy Meets Philosophy - Talk 1 尚語 - 第一話
by KS Vincent POON (Aug. 2022)
ISBN 978-1-989485-30-9
Content is the soul of an artwork.
Thus, catching the soul of Chinese calligraphy requires understanding the literary contents. To facilitate this, the Calligraphy Meets Philosophy series presents traditional Chinese calligraphy alongside line-by-line translated texts with remarks and footnotes.
Calligraphy Meets Philosophy – Talk 1 (《 尚語∙第一話 》) includes three calligraphic works and their translations: Heart Sutra (《般若波羅蜜多心經》), Great Learning (《大學》), and Zhuangzi - The Secret of Caring for Life (《莊子∙養生主》). It also includes Revisions to “An English Translation and the Correct Interpretation of Laozi’s Tao Te Ching”.
WorldCat/Library: [WorldCat] [U of Oxford] [U of Cambridge] [Harvard U] [National Palace Museum Taiwan] [HKU]
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