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Works by KS Vincent POON (潘君尚):
Upon the Lake on an Autumn Day
by Xue Ying
( 薛瑩《秋日湖上》)
72 X 36 cm
This product is no longer unavailable.
A Chanted Poem Upon a River
by Li Bai
( 李白《 江上吟 》)
66 X 37 cm
Lyrics to Nian Lu Jiao, Commemorating the Battle of Red Cliffs
by Su Shi
( 蘇軾《 念奴嬌 ∙ 赤壁懷古 》)
75 X 35 cm
A Phrase from A Chanted Poem Upon a River
by Li Bai
( 李白 《 江上吟 》句 )
67 X 44 cm
This product is no longer unavailable.
Currently available for purchase by Dr Kwok Kin POON (潘國鍵):
About the artist Dr Kwok Kin POON (潘國鍵)

正文: (草書) 溪花與禪意,相對亦忘言。
款識: (草書)劉長卿(《尋南溪常道士》)句。甲午夏潘國鍵年六十五。
鈐印: 潘氏(朱文)、國鍵(白文)。
尺寸: 104×35cm
訂價: CAD $2500.00
This product is no longer unavailable.

正文: (隸書) 令彼諸群生,長夜無憂惱。出生眾善根,成就菩提果。
款識: (草書) 大乘無量壽經必成正覺第七。二千十六年眇人潘國鍵書於如心齋燈下。
鈐印: 潘氏(朱文)、國鍵(白文)。
尺寸: 112x35cm
訂價: CAD $3500.00
This product is no longer unavailable.

正文: (楷書)恩典夠用。
款識: (草書) 歌林多後書十二章九節。二千十三年夏潘國鍵敬書。
鈐印: 潘國鍵(白文)。
尺寸: 70 x34cm
訂價: CAD $1500.00
This product is no longer unavailable.