The Stele of Mount Hua Temple at the West Alp 西嶽華山廟碑 翻譯 英譯 Translation - Vincent's Calligraphy

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Galleries and Translations > Models of Masterpieces > A model of The Stele of Mount Hua Temple at the West Alp 臨 西嶽華山廟碑
A Model of The Stele of Mount Hua Temple at the West Alp
臨 西嶽華山廟碑
137 X 35cm (4)
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A model of "The Stele of Mount Hua Temple at the West Alp"
137 X 35cm (4)  in Clerical Script (隸書)

Historical Information
The Stele of Mount Hua Temple at the West Alp was a large vertical rectangular stone slab that was installed during the Han Dynasty (206BC - 220AD) in 165AD inside the Mount Hua Temple located at Mount Hua, a mountain located near the city of Huayin of the Shaanxi province, China. The calligraphic inscription on this stele is often considered as the best clerical script scribed in Chinese history  (當為漢隸第一品, 1). The calligraphy was presumably scribed by “Guo Xiangcha (郭香察)” and was inscribed to the stone by “Handan Gongxiu or Handan Xiu (邯鄲公修)” and “Su Zhang (蘇張)”, as indicated at the very end of the stele text: “遣書佐新豐郭香察書,刻者潁川邯鄲公修蘇張” ) (2).  

The original stele no longer exists as it was destroyed in an earthquake during the Ming Dynasty in 1555AD (3).  However, four ink rubbings of the stele’s inscripition are still preserved can be studied today: the Changyuan rubbing (長垣本), the Huayin rubbing (華陰本), the Siming rubbing (四明本) and the Shunde rubbing (玲瓏山館/順德本) (4,5). The model presented above is scribed based on the Changyuan rubbing (長垣本) .

The stele text summarized the history of Mount Hua Temple, where various Emperors from numerous dynasties performed sacrificial rites (祭祀) to worship the higher powers residing in Mount Hua.

In additional to to praying for peace and prosperity, such rites performed by the Emperors served as public confirmations of the Emperors’ “diviness” that is bestowed on them from the Heavens above.  Emperors, who are also known as "Sons of the Heavens (天子)", usually perform these rites to validate their successions of this "diviness" from their predecessors.

Summary of the text in English
The stele text content can be summarized as follows:

  • The text began by introducing the whereabouts and geography of Mount Hua.  It then proceeded to narrate Emperors from various ancient eras preceding the Han Dynasty had regularly observed and attended sacrificial rites at the Mount Hua Temple to ask for favorable weather and good harvests.

  • The text then continued to note the Temple was subsequently left unmaintained and abandoned until the reign of Emperor Guangwu of Han (漢光武帝, 5BC-57AD), who ordered the restoration of sacrificial rites at the Temple.  In 161AD (the fourth year of the Yanxi reign, 延熹四年), Yuan Feng (袁逢), Governor of the province Hongnong, initiated and oversaw the physical reconstruction of the Temple.  However, it was Sun Qiu (孫璆), the successor of Yuan Feng, who saw the final completion of the restoration of Temple and the installation of the Stele in 165AD (the eighth year of the Yanxi reign, 延熹八年).

  • The text concluded by disclosing the identities and roles of those who were involved in the establishment of the Stele.

Original text in Chinese








Personal Comments
a) On the calligraphy written in The Stele of Mount Hua Temple at the West Alp
The Stele of Mount Hua Temple at the West Alp was one of the earliest exemplars of the traditional Han Chinese clerical script.  Written in 165AD, the calligraphy in the stele was bold yet elegant, orderly yet dynamic (6).  Each brushstroke was scribed with variable breadth, and characters were seemingly written with great power as if they were chiselled deeply into the stone; such represent well-written clerical script.
Similar style of variability, power and dynamics can also be observed in many Chinese calligraphic masterpieces scribed long after the installation of The Stele of Mount Hua Temple at the West Alp (7).  Therefore, it is reasonable to believe that The Stele of Mount Hua Temple at the West Alp had a significant impact on subsequent generations of classical Chinese calligraphers.

b) On the textual content in The Stele of Mount Hua Temple at the West Alp and its relavance in today's society
The stele text stressed the importance of observing rites and following traditions in maintaining a prosperous nation. Confucius (孔子, 551BC-479BC) long ago asserted that rites (禮) are important in governing as well as cultivating oneself  (see Kongzi Jiayu - Disquisition on ritual 《孔子家語·論禮》).

As such, many scholars argued that respecting and observing Chinese moral norms (Benevolence, Righteousness, Rite, Knowledge, and Integrity "仁義禮") are minimum prerequisites to becoming a Chinese (8).  By extension, then, if a community rejects traditional Chinese moral norms, then that community cannot be regarded as “Chinese”, regardless of ethnicity.

The legitimacy of Communist China claiming herself to be "Chinese" is then questionable, for Communist China had long rejected Chinese traditions (via Cultural Revolution in 1966) and replaced them with anti-Confucian Communist Maoism(毛澤東思想) and the likes.  The rejection of traditional moral norms ultimately lead to Communist China to focus on superficial materialism and live without a soul (9):

A. 錢穆, 《中國思想史》, (台北:蘭臺出版社, 2001, p. 233):
「中山先生的三民主義,是近代中國新生唯一的啟示,此刻在中國蔓延猖獗的共產主義,最多將是一個有骨骼有血肉的行屍 ……大陸政權正如一塊大石頭,在很高的山上滾下,越接近崩潰的時候,其力量越大……三面紅旗多恐怖,紅衞兵文化大革命多恐怖,下面還有更恐怖的事。」

Chien Mu in A History of Chinese Thoughts (中國思想史, p. 233):
"Dr. Sun Yat-sen's Three People's Principles is our only beacon of hope in reviving China.  The current widely popular Communism is, at most, only a walking dead without a soul.  The Mainland regime (ie. Communist China) is like a big rock rolling down from the top of a high mountain: the more it approaches to the ground where it will disintegrate, the more powerful it becomes.... How terrifying were the
Three Red Banners, and how terrifying were the Red Guards during the Cultural Revolution. There will certainly be more terrifying events to come."
(interpreted to English by KS Vincent Poon, May 12, 2017)   

B. 牟宗三 《中國文化的省察》, (台北: 聯經出版事業股份有限公司, 1983, pp.23-24):
「近代中國人看起來似乎聰明﹐實際上很差。中國人本來有智慧﹐可是從民國以來就沒有了。有的只是些小聰明而已。炎黃子孫怎麼會落到這種淺薄的地步呢? 其實也不是說民國以來這六﹑七十年才如此﹐其來也是有自的﹐也可說是由來久矣。只有小聰明而沒有真智慧﹐遇事便沒見識。要不然﹐共黨如何能出來。在一個堂堂的大中華民族中﹐具有五千年的歷史﹐深厚的文化傳統居然會出現像毛澤東這樣的人。簡單是不可思議! 而他竟然出現了﹐你說怪不怪? 就從這一點﹐諸位就可想到﹐這就表示中國人智慧不夠。這是我們這一代炎黃子孫太不肖了。」

Mou Zongsan in Restrospection on Chinese Culture (中國文化的省察, pp. 23 -24):
"Contemporary Chinese people appear to be intelligent, but they are actually quite deplorable. Chinese people were originally very wise, but they lost their wisdom after the establishment of the Republic of China.  Whatever they have now can only be regarded as inconsequential cleverness. How can the Descendants of Yanhuang (ie. Chinese people) fall to such level of superficiality?  In fact, the problem did not arise six, seven or ten years after the establishment of the Republic; the problem is intrinsic and existed many years before that.  When one only possesses inconsequential cleverness without true wisdom, one will not deliver good judgement and possess foresight when facing challenges.  If we did have good judgment, Communists would not have arisen among us.  Under the influence of our great traditional Chinese culture with five thousand years of solid and rich history, we nonetheless produced the likes of Mao Zedong.  How absurd and inconceivable!  Yet, he actually appeared to rule us.  Isn't that really odd?  Just from this outcome, one can conclude today's Chinese people do not possess enough wisdom. Indeed, our generation, as Descendants of Yanhuang, is truly a disgrace.
(interpreted to English by KS Vincent Poon, May 12, 2017)   
Traditional Chinese culture (中華文化) is the soul of a bona-fide Chinese.  Yet, it continues to be rapidly forgotten and often misconstrued and distorted by dictatorships.  Preserving it is thus of the essence.
KS Vincent Poon May 13, 2017

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